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Auralite 23 is one of the most powerful crystals on this planet. It holds an incredibly high vibration mainly due to all the energies that it holds from the different earth (and non-earth) elements and minerals it holds in its core.
Auralite-23 crystals are highly transformative and are an excellent companion for anyone looking to enhance dormant intuitive abilities and manifestation powers.
Auralite-23 crystal is a crystal for Code Clearing, DNA Healing and Cellular Activation. It is the Stone of Awakening on every level. The metaphysical properties of natural crystal combinations like the Super 7, are taken to another level with this new find from Northern Canada. This stone has powerful synergy of energies, it is strong emotional healer, “The Soul Healer”.
Because of the sheer amount of elements and minerals found in the crystal, it is like a bridge to the divine, it is a stone that has an open channel to the Angelic Realms. This crystal can assist you to connect easier with your guides and Angels, and also brings a calmness to your life, that you never felt possible before. Auralite-23 crystal tones down anger and cools hot tempers, it teaches the being to think before speaking or acting for the self, and towards others.
The stone itself, works with the upper chakras, but more specifically, has a healing role all over the body. Auralite-23 crystal enhances healing, personal development and intuition extensively and on many levels and can really only be appreciated once it’s been held. It is a stone of all empowering knowledge, and inspiration. It will help you to understand your shortfalls and your abilities, like never before. Also this is a stone that can help to remove prejudice and unnecessary judgment.
Auralite-23 is an excellent tool for spiritual healing. It brings about inner purification, increases our psychic sensitivity, and gives insights into truth. It enhances lucid dreaming, keeps us balanced during times of awakenings, and gives visions of future events. It lets us remember our past lives, the associated karma and then helps us release those old karmic patterns. In addition to healing properties of Auralite-23 crystal, newly found “Emerald Auralite” assist one to discover themselves.
Auralite-23 is a wonderful facilitator for deep meditation, brings about an inner focus which helps us delve far into the highest realms, focuses on our inner spirit and abundances that are present around us. Work with this stone slowly, and get used to it for a time, as it sweeps away debris from your consciousness. Just being alone with the stone, is actually enough, for healing to begin. Hold Auralite-23 at both the crown and heart chakras to create a powerful flow of energy.
The crystal’s name comes from its composition.
Auralite 23 stone is, in fact, composed of a mixture of amethysts and 17 of a possible 23 minerals such as Titanite, Cacoxene, Lepidocrite, Ajoite, Hematite, Magnetite, Pyrite, Goethite, Pyrolusite, Gold, Silver, Platinum, Nickel, Copper, Iron, Limonite, Sphalerite, Covellite, Chalcopyrite, Gialite, Epidote, Bornite, Rutile.
That’s where the “23” comes from. Emerald Auralite has the addition of Parasolite, which is the emerald green clearly visible in this piece.